About Molly Maloney

Apart from when she’s focused and concentrating while competing or teaching, Molly has a constant smile on her face. She gives definition to living ones dream, as she works hard and plays hard with her horses, clients, and friends. She’s fierce but kind, and very motivated for success while at the same time enjoying every minute of what she’s doing. Molly was originally a customer during our first year in business - she came to the booth with all of the ladies in her life - 4 generations in fact - her, her mom, her grandmother and her great-grandmother! How cool is that? Over time we’ve gotten to know each other, (she’s been a bit of a fan-girl of our products!) and given how awesome she is there was no doubt in our minds that a sponsorship with Molly would be a perfect match!
Molly is a USDF Bronze, Silver and Gold medalist. She has always had a love for the training process and strives to find harmony and balance with her horses while moving up the training scale. Never having the opportunity to ride a made horse, her success in the show ring has been based on training horses herself. Molly has a particular passion for young horses and has done very well in young horse classes. This is her fifth season showing as a professional. Molly’s recent accomplishments include 2nd Level Reserve Champion at Nationals and Reserve Champion at Training and 4th Level at Regionals. She has also been Region 8 Champion at 1st Level, 3rd Level, and PSG. Maloney runs a successful business (MMDressage) in Salt Point, NY at Uphill Dressage Center where she loves teaching, working with sales horses, and training. Are you interested in training or riding with Molly? Please contact her - (845)-656-2438 or find her on her Facebook: MMDressage.