About Jessica Freiman
Jessica Freiman

Sometimes you just keep meeting someone over and over again. The conversation is always excellent, seeing them ride is always impressive, and their love for horses is contagious. Combine all of that with the fact that many of your customers and friends keep introducing you to that person and one starts to think it's not just a coincidence. Held in the highest regard by so many people, we started to get to know the lovely Jessica Freiman these last few years.
When we meet Jessica, we are normally looking up! She's very tall and has legs for days! Jealous? She makes an 18.2hh horse look just right, more like how most of us would look on a 16.2hh steed. With a crowd of her students around her walking the show grounds, or an aisle full of smiling clients and horses, it's easy to find the party and join in with Jess and her inclusive group for some memorable moments.
A barn rat and total horse junkie from an early age, Jessica worked her way up the levels cleaning stalls and riding anything she could get her hands on. She follows a classical approach to dressage and believes that the overall physical and mental well being of the horse is of the utmost importance. She prides herself on a holistic, science based approach to horse care, to produce rideable, happy horses.

Jessica is a USDF Bronze, Silver, and Gold Medalist. She has ridden the Westphalian Zenzero since 2013, and they have competed successfully at 3rd, 4th Level, PSG, I1 and Grand Prix with scores to 68% in the Grand Prix. Jessica has had her USDF Bronze medal since 2009 and her Silver medal since 2010. Jessica has a wonderful group of clients. Her students have done well in USDF Region 8 and nationally, and she is proud of all of the accomplishments her non-showing students have made as well.
In her free time, you'll find Jessica hanging with her three rescue dogs and various poultry. She also loves time out on the water and you'll find her enjoying time sailing when she manages to find a rare day off.
Are you interested in training with Jessica? She is located in Southern New Hampshire and teaches at her facility as well as some nearby barns. Visit her Website: jfreimandressage.com or contact her: jessicafreiman1@gmail.com.